
Episode 12 - 2009 September

Page history last edited by Stan Ng 11 years, 2 months ago


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Episode 12 taped on Monday September 14, 2009. Scott Moffatt speaks on Integrity and Doug Miyaki on An Interesting, Entertaining and Valuable Weekend. Vincent Lowe and Lynn Bruno evaluate the speeches. Our featured club is Vox Toastmasters, who conducted their Humorous Speech Contest as we visited. Hari Candadai hosts.


Rundown Timing

28:30 0:30 Show Introduction
28:00 1:00 Welcoming Comments by Host, Hari Candadai
27:00 0:30 Host Intros Objectives for Speaker 1
26:30 6:00 Speaker 1, Scott Moffatt, "Integrity"
20:30 1:00 Host Interviews Speaker1


Host Introduces Evaluator (Vincent Lowe)

19:00 2:30 Evaluation - Vincent Lowe
16:30 0:30 Host intros Rollin
16:00 3:00 Rollin
13:00 0:30

Host Introduces Objectives for Speaker 2

12:30 6:00 Speaker 2, Doug Mikayi, "An Interesting, Entertaining and Valuable Weekend"
6:30 1:00 Host Interviews Speaker2
5:30 0:30 Host Introduces Evaluator (Lynn Bruno)
5:00 2:30 Evaluation - EvaluatorName2
2:30 2:00 Wrapup (incl. URLs, email, etc.).
0:30 0:30 Credit Roll
0 -- BLACK


List of Graphics

  • Tag - Host: Hari Candadai
  • Tag - Speaker1: Scott Moffatt "Integrity"
  • Tag - EvaluatorName1: Vincent Lowe
  • Tag - Speaker2: Doug Miyaki, "An Interesting, Entertaining and Valuable Weekend"
  • Tag - EvaluatorName2: Lynn Bruno
  • lower 3d - District 4 Toastmasters, D4TM.org
  • lower 3d - Toastmasters International, www.Toastmasters.Org
  • lower 3d - Comments? Suggestions? Email us at TV@D4TM.org
  • Title
  • Credit Roll 



  • Producer - Birgit/Denet/Stan
  • Director - Scott [confirmed]
  • Switcher - Bill [confirmed]
  • Sound - Steve [confirmed]
  • Graphics - Marty [confirmed]
  • Floor Director - Stan [confirmed]
  • Camera - Cathy [confirmed]
  • Camera - Lisa [confirmed]
  • Camera - Fred [confirmed]


Not available:


Taping Timeline - Monday, September 14, 2008 7:30pm

7:30 : General Crew Call. Dinner time! We'll set up Studio, and have Dinner in shifts while setup continues. There may be a class being held in the Control Room until 8:00 but we'll set up the studio in the meantime.

8:30 :  Cast Call. Please be present so we can go over details, questions, etc, and familiarize yourself with the studio. If you have not already done so, please review past episodes (see the sidebar on the righ) to get an idea of what we're after. Birgit and Denet will coach all talent in the lobby while studio setup continues.

9:00 : Studio Ready. Audience please be seated in the studio no later than this time. You're welcome to come earlier and hang out at the lobby but you won't be admitted into the studio (lots of hubbub!) until sometime after 9:00. We will do dry runs, rehearsing on-stage movements and camera angles for 20 minutes or so.

9:15 : Roll Tape

9:45 : Wrap


Please be prompt and willing to take direction to speed things along. It will help if all questions are asked and answered early in the evening before we start taping!




  • To be filled in after production is completed.


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