Episode 14 taped on Monday November 2, 2009.
Garret Brummer tells us what happened in My First Encounter with a Raccoon and Manish Garg Evaluates. Table Topics Master Vishwanand Pattanashetty leads us in Table Topics, calling on Christine Lim, Tony DeLeon, Suresh Bhat and Ashok Handigol. Henry Miller presents a brand-new "Bay to Bay" Toastmasters Banner to Public Relations Officer Birgit Starmanns. Pankaj Amin hosts.
Rundown Timing
Time Remaining |
Segment Time |
Segment Description |
28:30 |
0:30 |
Show Introduction |
28:00 |
1:00 |
Welcoming Comments by Host, Pankaj Amin |
27:00 |
1:00 |
Opening Comments by Table Topics Master, Vishwanand Pattanashetty |
26:00 |
10:00 |
Table Topics Session, hosted by Vishwanand Pattanashetty and featuring 3-4 speakers, nominally 1.5-2.5 minutes each. Last speaker may not speak, depending on time.
16:00 |
TT Master Vishwananad Wraps, and Introduces Henry Miller
15:30 |
2:00 |
Banner presentation to Bay to Bay, by Henry Miller to Birgit Starmanns |
13:30 |
0:30 |
Host Pankaj introduces Speaker
13:00 |
7:00 |
Speaker, Garret Brummer "My First Encounter with a Raccoon" |
6:00 |
1:00 |
Host interviews speaker, then introduces Evaluator, Manish Garg |
5:00 |
2:30 |
Evaluation - Manish Garg |
2:30 |
2:00 |
Wrapup (incl. URLs, email, etc.). |
0:30 |
0:30 |
Credit Roll |
0 |
-- |
List of Graphics
- Tag - Pankaj Amin / Host
- Tag - Vishwanand Pattanashetty / Table Topics Master
- Tag - Christine Lim / Table Topic Speaker
- Tag - Tony DeLeon / Table Topic Speaker
- Tag - Suresh Bhat / Table Topic Speaker
- Tag - Ashok Handigol / Table Topic Speaker
- Tag - Mohan Aswathanarayan / Table Topic Speaker
- Tag - Henry Miller / District 4 Toastmasters Governor
- Tag - Garret Brummer "My First Encounter with a Raccoon"
- Tag - Manish Garg / Speech Evaluator
- lower 3d - District 4 Toastmasters, D4TM.org
- lower 3d - Toastmasters International, www.Toastmasters.org
- lower 3d - Comments? Suggestions? Email us at TV@D4TM.org
- Producer - Birgit/Denet/Stan
- Director - Scott [ confirmed ]
- Switcher - OPEN
- Sound - Steve [ confirmed ]
- Graphics - Bill [ confirmed ]
- Floor Director - Denet / Stan [ confirmed ]
- Camera - Sara [ confirmed ]
- Camera - Fred [ confirmed ]
- Camera - Katrin [ confirmed ]
Not available: Kamla, Cathy, Jim S., Lisa, Doug, Marty
Taping Timeline - Monday, November 2, 2009 5:30pm
5:30 : General Crew Call. Dinner time! We'll set up Studio, and have Dinner in shifts while setup continues.
6:30 : (cast) please be present so we can go over details, questions, etc, and familiarize yourself with the studio. If you have not already done so, please review past episodes (see the sidebar on the righ) to get an idea of what we're after.
7:00 : Audience please be seated in the studio no later than this time. You're welcome to come earlier and hang out at the lobby but you won't be admitted into the studio (lots of hubbub!) until sometime after 7.
To move things along, please be prompt and willing to take direction to speed things along. We'd like to roll tape no later than 7:20, it will help if all questions are asked and answered early in the evening before we start taping!
Cast and Crew: If you can't make it please let Birgit or Stan know immediately.
Please be prompt and willing to take direction to speed things along. It will help if all questions are asked and answered early in the evening before we start taping!
- To accomodate the large number of speakers, without a rollin to swap mics, we hung a shotgun about 7 feet off the floor, about 2 feet in front of the lectern. We also rigged a PZM mic on the lectern and Steve then mixed the two. We also had a Shure Beta on a boom near the back of the audience. This worked reasonably well, though you can tell the audio is not as dry as it normally is, with lavs on everyone. An improvement to this might be to angle the shotgun so that it does not point directly at the floor, which probably adds a bit of echo as it's pointed directly at the floor. Maybe by mounting it downstage, pointing toward the back of the room, echos from the perpendicular hard floor would be lessened. Individual lavs of course would be preferred but we just didn't want to do all those swaps.
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