
Episode 2

Page history last edited by Stan Ng 11 years, 2 months ago
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Episode 2, taped on Monday 10/20/2008,  was hosted by Ellyson Barnes. Speakers were Robert Tang and Hari Candadai; Evaluators were David Richer and Garylene Javier. The featured club this month was Early Risers Toastmasters. 

Rundown Timing

28:30 0:30 Show Introduction TBTB opening, custom leader
28:00 1:00 Welcoming Comments by Host Ellyson Barnes
27:00 0:30 Ellyson Intros Objectives Speaker (Robert Tang) Host and graphics describing objectives
26:30 6:00

Speech - Speaker 1

Robert Tang

Speaker: Robert Tang enters camera left. Host Ellyson exits camera right. Various shots during speech
20:30 1:00 Interview

(Ellyson & Robert ) Host Ellyson enters from camera right.



Ellyson Intros Evaluator (David)

Speaker exits to left; evaluator enters from left; host exits to right
19:00 2:30 Evaluation - David Richer Evaluator: David Richer
16:30 0:30 Ellyson intros Rollin Ellyson introduces Rollin
16:00 3:00 Rollin Video on Early Risers
13:00 0:30

Ellyson Intros

Speaker #2

Ellyson Introduces Hari
12:30 6:00

Speech Speaker #2

Hari Candadai

Hari Camdadai Speaker #2
6:30 1:00 Interview 
Hari & Ellyson
5:30 0:30

Intro Evaluator

Garylene Javier

Garylene & Ellyson
5:00 2:30 Evaluation-Garylene 

Evaluator Garylene

2:30 2:00 Wrapup (incl. URLs, email, etc). Mention Fall Conference! Ellyson Enters from Right. Garylene Exits to left
0:30 0:30 Credit Roll (Timed to stay at end for 5 sec pad)

Ellyson Joined by speakers and evaluators.

Credit Roll over long shot

0 -- BLACK  


List of Graphics

  • Tag - Ellyson Barnes, Host
  • Tag - Robert Tang, "Can a Toastmaster Win on Reality TV?"
  • Tag - Hari Candadai, "The Power of Giving"
  • Tag - David Richer, Speech Evaluator
  • Tag - Garylene Javier, Speech Evaluator
  • Objectives graphic for Robert:

    Speech Objectives: Speaking after Dinner

      o Prepare an entertaining after-dinner talk

      o Deliver talk extemporaneously

  • Objectives graphic for Hari:

    Speech Objectives: The Dramatic Talk

      o Entertaining, Dramatic talk about an Incident

      o Use Vivid Imagery, Characters and Dialog

      o Deliver Talk in an Interpretive Manner

  • lower 3d - District 4 Fall Conference information
  • lower 3d - District 4 Toastmasters, D4TM.org
  • lower 3d - Toastmasters International, www.Toastmasters.Org
  • lower 3d - Comments? Suggestions? Email us at TV@D4TM.org
  • Title
  • Credit Roll


Rollin: Early Risers Toastmasters

Early Risers celebrated its 50th anniversary recently. They celebrated by retiring their old club banner. In a ceremony, they presented the old banner to their longest standing club member, Bud Rubin, Treasurer, who has been with the club for 20 years. Toastmasters Bay to Baypaid a visit to Early Risers and created a video of that visit, which will be shown in episode 2. It's also available for viewing online.



  • Director - Scott Van Duyne
  • Switcher - Fred Bockman
  • Sound - Steve Hall
  • Graphics - Marty Wasserman
  • Floor Director - Stan Ng
  • Camera - Rick Berwick
  • Camera - Lisa Tesler
  • Camera - Dan Beaulier


Taping Timeline

5:30 : General Crew Call

5:50 : Ellyson, Robert, David, Hari, Garylene (cast) please be present so we can go over details, questions, etc, and familiarize yourself with the studio. If you have not already done so, please review the first episode to get an idea of what we're after.

6:50 : Audience please be seated in the studio no later than this time. You're welcome to come earlier and hang out at the lobby but you won't be admitted into the studio (lots of hubbub!) until sometime after then.

We must finish by 8:00 PM as there is another show taping right after ours. Accordingly, please be prompt and willing to take direction to speed things along. We have to roll tape no later than 7:10, it will help if all questions are asked and answered early in the evening before we start taping!


  • We rehearsed lines and movements before the show pretty much continuously and this absolutely made for a smoother running show because everyone knew their place in addition.
  • Timing seemed right on. 2 minutes at end may have been a bit long but Ellyson did a great job learning and acting on timing cues.
  • During Evaluation, we got an excellent shot of evaluator talking directly to speaker. To facilitate in future shows, Speaker should sit in left front chair during evaluation to allow Cam3 to get "over shoulder" shot giving feedback to speaker.
  • Audience did not come alive until second half of show. We need a way to "warm up" the audience before the show so ambient mic will pick up audience reactions better. Ambient mic should be brought up higher to mix in audience reactions (laughs, groans, gasps).
  • Lectern should be far in front of back wall to allow Cam3 to get behind-the-speaker shot looking toward audience. Ep1 had good placement but Ep2 had lectern too far from audience to allow that shot.
  • There seemed to be an emphasis on the TM member rather than the non-member. We should re-focus on the non-member or face the prospect of losing viewership with the general (non-TM) audience.
  • Coming back from rollin to the studio, there should be a brief comment on what we've just seen--some light and brief, before going on with the rest of the program. Intro going from studio into rollin was fine.
  • Mics need windscreen installed, as pop filters. First speaker had a lot of plosives.
  • Interviewer and Interviewee did a good job of standing very near each other, but they were facing directly toward each other, profile to the audience (and therefore to the cameras!) Make an effort to face somewhat toward the audience so we get 3/4 views instead of profiles.

Screengrabs of the Set


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