Episode 54 - 2013 March


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Episode 54 will be recorded on March 11, 2013.


Rundown Timing

28:30 0:30 Show Introduction
28:00 1:00 Welcoming Comments by Host, Melisa Frick
27:00 0:30 Host Intros Speaker 1
26:30 5:00 TallTaleSpeaker1, Christopher Lipp,"Mushrooms
21:30 0:30 Host Intros Speaker 2


TallTaleSpeaker2, Robert Tang,"Argo ... but wait, there's more

0:30 Host intros Rollin


3:00 Rollin - Next Step Toastmasters
13:30 0:30

Host Introduces Objectives for Speaker 2

13:00 7:00

Speaker, Maren Otieno "Speech Title"

6:00 1:00 Host Interviews Speaker2
5:00 0:30 Host Introduces Adrianna Baca, (Evaluator)  
4:30 2:30 Evaluation of Speech 
2:00 1:30 Wrapup (incl. URLs, email, etc.).
0:30 0:30 Credit Roll
0 -- BLACK


List of Graphics



Not Available: Cheryl 


Taping Timeline

7:45 : Crew Dinner is served! 

8:00 : General Crew Call. Set up the studio for lighting: set pieces and chairs should be in place

8:30 : Studio is ready for lighting. Tech lights with help of lighting control monitor, stand-ins.

9:00 : (cast) please be present so we can go over details, questions, etc, and familiarize yourself with the studio. If you have not already done so, please review past episodes (see the sidebar on the right) to get an idea of what we're after.

9:30 : Studio is ready. Audience please be seated in the studio at this time. You're welcome to come earlier and hang out at the lobby but you won't be admitted into the studio (lots of hubbub!) until this time.

To move things along, please be prompt and willing to take direction. We'd like to roll tape no later than 7:20 in order to wrap by 8:00. It will help if all questions are asked and answered early in the evening before we start taping!

Cast and Crew: If you can't make it please let Birgit or Stan know immediately.